Oral Appliance Therapy – Benefits & Side Effects

For mild to moderate sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy can be quite useful. The health and mental benefits from the treatment of sleep apnea are undeniable. Several of our patients have reported some of the following benefits and side effects from the use of an oral appliance.

Benefits reported include:

Ease of use – Many of our patients prefer oral appliances because they are easier to wear than a CPAP machine. CPAP users have reported several difficulties with the CPAP, (getting twisted in the tubes, the loud noise, ill-fitting mask, and more).

Small and easy to transport – Traveling with your sleep apnea device is a lot simpler with an oral appliance. Unlike CPAP, oral appliances are small enough to fit in your purse or carry-on bag.

Since oral appliances are designed to fit inside your mouth, they do not disrupt your movement while you sleep. You can lie in any position without the fear of getting entangled in your CPAP tubes.

Improved relationships with loved ones who are enjoying a good night’s sleep sans tossing and snoring.

Possible side effects

Oral appliance therapy may cause some of the following side effects:

  • Excessive salivation
  • Dry mouth
  • Tooth and jaw discomfort
  • Temporary bite changes

Some patients experience potential complications such as:

  • Jaw or tooth pain
  • Permanent changes to your bite
  • TMJ symptoms

When weighing in on the benefits versus the side effects of oral appliance therapy, consider seeing a dental sleep medicine specialist. A dentist trained in dental sleep medicine can provide oral appliance therapy that is right for you. Call 617.964.4028 today and one of our knowledgeable staff members will be available to assist.