We are pleased to announce the launch of our NEW website! Although you can still find us at SleepApneaDentist.com, we are simplifying things a little with our new domain name SADofNE.com.
Our goal is to provide both patients and referring physicians a one-stop resource for all things Sleep Apnea. We have included both patient and physician pages for easy access to the information you may need.
Our Patient Pages Include:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Oral Appliance Safety Data Sheets
- Oral Appliance Care Instructions
- Insurance Guidelines
- Testimonial Videos
Our Physician Pages Include:
- Referral Guidelines
- Sleep Apnea Explained
- Treatment Options
- FDA and Insurance Compliance
We have also included blog pages where updated information related to sleep, sleeping disorders, sleep apnea, and the impact lack of good sleep can have on your overall well-being.
New Features Coming Soon
We are not done just yet. Please stay tuned for updated brochures that you may download for future reference, a LIVE CHAT feature, and more.
Your opinion and feedback matter!
Should you have any information that you would like to have included on our site, please forward your suggestions via our contact form.