• Diabetic Woman

    Diabetics who sleep badly are at greater risk of dying prematurely, study suggests

    Original Article | CNN Health By Sandee LaMotte, CNN (CNN)People with diabetes who had trouble falling or staying asleep were 87% more likely to die of any cause over the next nine years than people without diabetes or sleep problems, a new study finds. Poor sleep linked to weight gain in 2-year smartphone sleep tracking […]

  • Woman Sleeping

    Saffron improves sleep quantity and quality, according to RCT

    Original Article | 30-Apr-2021 By Nikki Hancocks Six weeks of saffron supplementation led to improved sleep duration and quality in a recent study involving 66 volunteers, suggesting it could be a natural and safe replacement for sleeping pills. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

  • Man Unable to Sleep

    Adults Sleeping Under 6 Hours A Night Have Greater Dementia Risk

    April 21, 2021 | Original Article: MindBodyGreen It’s no secret that sleep is essential for a number of our body’s functions—from cellular repair to muscle growth and, of course, brain health. And one study published in the journal Nature Communications just put forward some new evidence on the link between sleep duration and dementia risk in middle-aged adults. Here’s what […]


    Make Disease Disappear With Sleep

    Sleep is one of the most undervalued components of our health – if we can improve the quality of our sleep, we can improve the quality of our lives. Getting more sleep improves every aspect of our lives – it makes us less prone to injury when we exercise, boosts our productivity and enhances our […]

  • Woman Battling Weight Issues from Lack Of Sleep

    Addressing Sleep Could Help Women Avoid Weight Gain During Menopause

    Original Article | Posted by Sree Roy | Apr 1, 2021 Addressing sleep symptoms during menopause may reduce susceptibility to weight gain, according to a small study presented virtually at ENDO 2021, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. “Our findings suggest that not only estrogen withdrawal but also sleep disturbances during menopause may contribute to changes in a woman’s […]

  • Beta Blocker and Sleep Disturbance

    Beta-blockers May Contribute to Sleep Disturbances

    We do not wish to infer that anyone should stop beta blocker use, but just explain why the use of beta blockers may interrupt with the treatment of insomnia. Posted by Sleep Review Staff | Mar 16, 2021  Unusual dreams, insomnia and sleep disorders may be linked to beta-blockers, according to new research published in Hypertension, an American Heart […]