• Woman Having Difficulty Sleeping

    Why do more women struggle with insomnia than men?

    Sleeping is an essential part of our lives. It helps us recharge for the next day. Research in this area has helped understand various sleep disorders. But most research has dodged the question of how different women’s sleep patterns are compared to men. Why is insomnia more common in women? The National Sleep Foundation survey, one […]

  • Men Raising Alcohol in A Toast

    ‘Why Does Alcohol Mess With My Sleep?’

    A night of drinking can “fragment,” or interrupt, these patterns, experts say, and you may wake up several times as you ricochet through the usual stages of sleep.

  • Air Purifier and Sleep

    Air Filters in the Bedroom and Airway Resistance

    Posted by Lisa Spear | Original Post Apr 12, 2020  Using a bedroom air filter that traps fine particles of pollution with diameters smaller than 2.5 micrometers can significantly improve breathing in asthmatic children, a new study in JAMA Pediatrics found. The research documents that physiological improvements occur in the childrens’ airways when air filters are in use, and it […]

  • Cherries-Milk-and-FIsh for sleep

    Can Oily Fish, Cherries or Milk Help You Sleep? Here’s What the Evidence Shows

    James Brown, Aston University and Duane Mellor, Aston University Original Article | Posted by Lisa Spear | Dec 17, 2021 | Sleep & the Body Almost one-in-five British people report they don’t get enough sleep each night. The problem is so bad that in total the UK public are losing around a night’s worth of shut-eye each week. There are a lot of popular beliefs about foods […]

  • 2021 Sleep Products

    All the best sleep products we tested in 2021

    We thought to jumpstart the New Year we would share this exhaustive list of fantastic sleep aids. We stumbled across this article from CNN and found it shareworthy. CNN Underscored is constantly testing products — be it coffee makers or office chairs — to find the absolute best in each respective category. Our testing process is rigorous, […]

  • Introvert

    How To Wind Down for Better Sleep—Especially if You’re an Introvert

    Perhaps, you’ve just spent four hours at a work holiday party, meeting the humans behind a bunch of Zoom squares IRL for the first time. Or, maybe you had a day of reconnecting with family members you haven’t seen in two, time-blurred pandemic years. It would seem that hitting the hay would be the most obvious solution. But for introverts, it is draining and affects sleep.