• Burger and Fries

    Diets high in fats and sugar impact deep sleep quality, study finds

    Original Article | Medical News Today For better sleep quality, it’s best to avoid foods high in fats and sugars, a new study confirms. CWP, LLC/Stocksy Limited evidence exists regarding the influence of certain foods on sleep, leading researchers to conduct a randomised trial investigating the effects of a high-fat/high-sugar diet on sleep. A new […]

  • A Man Snoring from Sleep Apnea

    Dangers of Uncontrolled Sleep Apnea

    Original Article | JohnsHopkins.org You’ve probably heard that regular exercise and a heart-healthy diet are the most important things you can do for your cardiovascular health. As it turns out, though, the quality of sleep you receive is also critical to your heart’s wellbeing.  In particular, undiagnosed sleep apnea is directly tied to an increased […]

  • Sleep Apnea

    Sleep Apnea. Bad for Your Brain.

    According to the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Neurology, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is bad for brain health.

  • Young girl sleeping with her puppy

    Sleep and Time with Pets Help People Living with Bipolar Disorder

    by University of Western Sydney | Original Article Feb 2018 Bipolar disorder is characterized by transitions between depression and mania. Credit: Wikipedia New research from Western Sydney University has revealed that simple self-care strategies, such as spending time with animals and getting enough sleep, are helpful for people managing bipolar disorder symptoms. The research, published in Clinical […]